
Photographer and art director Eric Maloberti

Photographer and art director Eric Maloberti also known as Malo, 39, imagines what the future may hold for his three-month-old daughter June when she grows up. In his project Un Jour, Mon Enfant Tu Seras (One Day, My Child, You Will Be...) he dresses June up as a boxer, a priest and a butcher, plus many other professions.

"The idea behind the project is that we do not know what our children will become," said Malo. "One day my oldest son came up to me and said that he wants to be an explorer. My eldest daughter then told me she was going to become an artist. This made me think about what the future really did hold for them."

Eric, makes intricate costumes for June with the help of his wife, and photographs June against a plain mattress. "We did the pictures very quickly so she would not get tired," said Malo.

heavy weight boxer
June dressed as Boxer

Dressed as Doctor

As Butcher

wwf wrestler
As Wrestler

As Surfer

As Bishop

As Monk

bull fighter
As Bullfighter

As Ballerina

fire fighter
As fisherman

As Priest

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